Dear Friend of the Academy—
In the coming New Year it is important to remove the face of sadness and put on a higher face of Light, calling forth a renewed Spirit of Peace for our planet. As we continue with the « messages of critical concern » which began in September 2001, let us reflect on the end of the old year and the beginning of the new by seeing a stream of Light beaming into a mosaic of faces from all parts of the world, with hands held high to embrace Doves of Light.
As many of you know, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® speaks of critical times in two key areas of the world: Israel-Egypt and India-Tibet (Key 308:25). As we enter 2002, let all of our highest prayers and intentions be centered on creating a « Wall of Peace » between Pakistan and India, Kashmir and Tibet and, of course, in the Middle East. At this critical time let our prayers go out with visualizations of men, women and children being recipients of the greater Divine Light so as to avoid future war and bloodshed that could destroy these holy areas of the East, particularly the beautiful mountain areas surrounding Kashmir, the sacred land visited by the disciples of Jesus and the great prophets in their journey to the Orient.
Let us change the moods of humanity from anger to fellowship, violence to friendship, despair to hope, uncertainty to understanding, and sorrow to joy. Let us visualize faces of hopelessness becoming faces of Light through the power of Prayer and Intervention.
In our mind’s eye, let us continue to examine the teaching and vision of Enoch which reminds us of the need to spiritually activate our work for Peace in these critical areas of the world. Let us attend to these sacred areas by continued Light work so that they are like a rosary upon the snow-covered mountains to the Most High God.
And, even in sleep, let us keep in mind the words of the great Apostle, « pray without ceasing…. »
In the Great Names of YHWH, the Eternal Christ and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, may we be always blessed in the Godhead!
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D. and D. Hurtak