Dear Friend,
We live in a cyclic universe, however we tend to count history in terms of a very short life span. Archaeologists and geologists are unearthing historical cycles of advanced civilization from thousands to millions of years ago. These findings show that there have been mass extinction’s in time past. And recent findings show that we are at the start of the Holocene or 6th known mass extinction of our planet. ¹ No one factor seems to cause this. It would appear that a cluster of certain circumstances is a prelude to a mass extinction.
Although supernovas, volcanoes, floods, asteroids, meteorites, glaciation, ocean anoxia have caused previous mass extinction’s according to scientists. One of the signs of a coming mass extinction is the disappearance of many animal forms. ² In this cycle already, many hundreds of species have become extinct.
Noah is one individual who felt the responsibility to save the animals (or DNA as purported by some) of his era, according to Genesis. We, as the Adamic species, have a responsibility to protect our animal species too. Each species has a role to play in the health of its biome.
« We were shocked to find similar losses in invertebrates as with larger animals, as we previously thought invertebrates to be more resilient. » said Ben Collen of the U.K.’s University College London, one of the study authors.³
This confirms Key 3-0-4: 42, which tells us that “This process of rapid extinction extends even to the smallest one-celled marine animal life (i.e., several forms of radiolaria) which became extinct simultaneously throughout the world”.
Rodolfo Dirzo of Stanford University attributes a new cause to mass extinction: homo sapiens. He highlights loss of habitat and critical ecosystem functioning exacerbated by human-caused animal decline or ‘Anthropocene defaunation’.4 This sadly includes the loss of major predators and herbivores such as elephants and rhinoceroses resulting in a plethora of rodents and concomitant diseases.
No need to despair.Key 3-0-9: 4 assures us that “the Light will protect you and enable those who are there to spiral through that meridian of Light into a higher system of space-time continuum”.
With Love and Blessings,